Tuesday, December 11, 2007


In-deference to you who still believe in that old fashioned bit of chivalry--Ladies first!-- may I share with you ten commandment for you wives and ten commandments for you husbands.


Commandments number one: Thou shalt honor thy own woman hood that thy days may be long in the house which thy husband provides for thee. It sounds almost as if that bit of prose came from the pen of a woman libber, or an advocate of woman's rights, but it is actually the very embodiment of Christianity which elevates the status of womanhood . Jesus Christ broke radically with some of the contemporary ideas about woman. Unlike the rabbis who chose not to touch a dead person or a woman, Christ included woman such us Mary, Martha, Mary Magdalene and others in the ranks of his followers. Paul wrote in Galatians 3:28 that in Christ there is no such things as inequality of the sexes but we are one in His sight. That does not for a moment eliminate the differences in role or design which are God-determined differences complementing the roles and relationships of men and women, but don't you women, ever be ashamed that you are woman.

It was a woman who gave birth to God=s Son on that first Christmas morn. Women were last at the cross and first at the tomb. Jesus pronounced immorality on only one person - a woman who wept over His feet and wipe them with the tresses of her hair. Guidelines or commandment number one is a good one: Honor your womanhood and never be ashamed of it.


Commandment number two smacks of modern economics. Here it is: Thou shalt not expect thy husband to give thee as many things as thy father halt given thee after many years of hard work and economies. Neither become extravagant with a charge account, for thee comes a day when your husband will have to O.K. it, and then comes the storm. On the practical side of the ledger, it is wise to remember that two can't live as cheaply as one, and neither is it right to expect to live off the charity of your parents and in-laws. A measure of patience as a couple begin to plan for their own goal is absolutely necessary.


The third commandment for wives is: Thou shalt not forget the virtue of good humor, for verily all that a man halt will he give for a woman's smile. Not a bad advice for a husbands and wife. Humor is a great thing to relieve tension - especially when unexpected things go wrong. The parked truck leaps out and hits the side of your car. Or the gate blows shut and scrapes the side. The phone rings and the delay in hearing about Joan's mother-in-law lets your dinner go up in smoke. You over draw the bank account, and the notice from the bank is a painful reminder that you are in trouble. What do you do whens like that happen? Yell at each other? Point a finger and say, " How could you do that? Your just plain..." Or smile and remind your self, "Nobody plans these things!" How foolish it is to think anything other than it just appened!

Being able to smile at our mistakes is not only a sign of maturity but goes a long way towards creating harmony in a home.

The third commandments is in the attitude of Scripture which say: Consider one another, and let us provoke or encourage each other to good works. Not bad!


Commandment number four: Thou shalt not nag! Four words that can mean the difference between your husband making a queen out of you, or thinking of you as a constant complainer. Real love contains with it the complete acceptance of a person as he is with the hpe that he will change, but never let it be spoiled by the nagging of someone who is determined to change another. "it is better to live in the corner of an attic," say proverbs, "than with a crabby woman in a lovely home," (Proverbs 21:9, L.B.).


Commandment number five: Thou shalt please thy husband for verily every man loveth to be fussed over. Is it really a good idea for a woman to pamper her man? How aout a husband who spoils his wife? One of the reason that God puts us together in families is to meet the ever-present need to encourage and support each other. Of course, a wife may do her husband just as much good by pointing out his faults occasionally but that treatment is very seldom necessary. We need to learn to support each other. We need to learn to encourge one other. To build each other up. To help each other have greater confidence.

There is generally enough in life that is self-defeating. Enough that discourge without getting more of it at home. Learn to be positive in your relationship in the home. If it isn't kind, don't say it. If it doesn't encourage, then discipline your speech. If that means pampering your husband, then get with it. If it means spoiling him, do it with abandonment.


Remember that the frank approval of thy husband is worth more to thee the sidelong glances of many strangers. 'She that is married," wrote the Apostle Paul, "careth.... how she may please her husband"( I Cor. 7:34). And when she stops caring, a relationship is in trouble. Priorities are tremendously important, and when a multitude of demands are made on your time, it is easy to let hubby get lost in the shuffle!

There is a time and a place for everything, suggests the writer of proverbs, so whether it is the way you dress or what you do with your time, the frank approval of your husbands means more than the flattering glances or comment of many strangers.


Commandments number seven: Thou shalt not forget the grace of cleanliness and neat dress. Women, don't dare think , "Now that there married, I've got him hooked." and then let down when it comes to your appearance. Fewer husbands would be tempted to look twice at another woman if their wives made an effort to remain attractive. Your motive should never be to keep yur husband, but because you love him, you want to keep yourself beautiful for him. The apostle Peter tells how womwn of the Old Testament days made themselves attractive to their husbands by - what really vounts - the adornment that stems from within, the beauty that knows no wrinkles and never fades.


Commandments number eight: Thou shalt not permit anyone to assure thee thou art having a hard time of it - neither your mother, nor sister, nor aunt nor any of your kins, for the judge will not hold her guiltless who allows another disparage her husband.

We hang together or else we hang seperately! There are times when we all make miatakes, when we are wrong, but when it comes to marriage , loyalty is imperative.Real love looks beyond the immediate to the far-reaching goals and objectives of an enduring relationship.

Don't allow yourself the indulgence of dwelling on the faults or failure of your mates - especilly when those weaknesses and idiosyncrasies of character are criticized by relatives and friends.

"Don't you know my mother talked about my husband for a solid hour on the phone," a woman once told me.

"Yes, and do you know how you could have eliminated 59 minutes of her criticism"? I asked.

"No. How?"

"By telling her, I know that bob's not perfect, but, mother, criticizing him doesn't help, and I'd rather not talk about it. O.K.?'"


Number nine: Thou shalt keep thy home with all diligence, for out of it cometh the joys of old age. I've never met a husband who didn't prefer coming home to a neat and orderly house especially when so much of life is topsy-turvy. Your talking time to keep things as neatand clean as possible is another way of saying,"I live you, I love you enough to make our home as pleasant and as attractive as possible."


And ten: Thou shalt commit thy ways unto the Lord thy God, and thy children shall rise up and call thee blessed. As the months and years roll by, every wife is confronted with challenges to her faith and her home. And you will be no exception. Your faith and trust in the Lord can be an anchor that will hold in the stroms of life. You can trust in the Lord and let him direct your path (see Proverb 3:5-6).

And there you have TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR WIVES......